The Purpose of DocLink

Mohsin Ali Mustafa
3 min readJan 17, 2021


Yesterday, I had a fascinating encounter. I met two friends for coffee, one of whom I am speaking to bring onboard DocLink. Let’s call him Mr. GI Joe (name anonymized to keep things confidential for now).

The other friend — his name is Ajay, asked me a question, “ Mohsin what is DocLink?”. The answer to that I have shared many times so I gave him a well rehearsed one-line pitch. DocLink connects with their own patients. A conversation ensued we spoke about the business model, the market potential and the risks.

Twenty minutes later Ajay circled back to another question, “Mohsin what’s the why of DocLink?”. I heard this question and I paused, this question was different to the one I usually get.

The truth of the matter was it had been a while since I had pondered over this. Anybody who has built a company knows how in the early days so much of it is execution. A grinding day after day where you’re constantly concerning yourself with the What and the How of the company. This question of Why was one I hadn’t pondered over in some time.

I took a step back. And let conversation ensue. I knew this was a question that needed thought and reflection. So I listened.

All this time Mr. GI Joe was silently listening. Now GI Joe is a performer and he currently works at a place where he gets a strong WHY and then he busies himself with the What and the How.

For those who have built successful organizations or ran great teams, they know it’s all about the people that you bring together. With GI Joe we spoke about the What and the How of what we would be doing and working on together with at DocLink. We discussed numbers and all of that was fine.

The part that he pushed me on is the WHY. I went home, I pondered, I reflected and I wrote. I discussed with the better half and I revisited the past.

And from this effort I found the WHY, A why that was there all along, I just had not visited in a while.

Have you ever taken care of a loved one who is sick? Have you ever been very ill yourself? What would you have given for the reassurance of being able to reach your physician in those testing moments when your parents are really sick or your child is running a fever. Or your wife nauseous in the first trimester and you wish your doctor could take her pain away.

DocLink is that reassurance, DocLink is peace of mind.

DocLink gives the patient the ability to connect with their own doctor in a reliable, safe and efficient manner. In the world we wish to create, the access to your healthcare & well being would be few clicks away.

There are 10 million physicians in the world and our dream is to connect those 10 million physicians to the billions of patient they care for. (link)

We commercially launched 3 months ago and have grown the community to 30 physicians and 700 patients. We are preparing for our seed-round this summer. If you want to join us on this dream of building a game-changing organization that serves people peace of mind when they most need it then drop me a line @

Thank you for reading,





Mohsin Ali Mustafa
Mohsin Ali Mustafa

Written by Mohsin Ali Mustafa

A medical doctor from Pakistan creating systems change in healthcare through entrepreneurship

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