On working out in your 30s

Mohsin Ali Mustafa
3 min readFeb 26, 2025


Working out in your 30s is a different ball game. One thing I noticed when I hit 30 was that my body seemed to react differently to exercise. Back in the day, warm-ups and cool-downs were unnecessary. They were just a fancy way of getting ready for the main thing. As soon as the clock hit 30, I realized that my muscles would cramp or strain if I did not use them wisely.

A good stretching and warm-up routine becomes essential once you hit your 30s. Without this, you are more prone to injuries.

I have made a routine around stretches, which is to go from head to toe. My boxing coach had taught me some good stretches. You start with the neck, and circles. Then you move to the shoulders, circles again, forward and back. Next up you work your torso, side-side, do it at different angles to mobilize various angles of your torso. After the torso, you come to the waist. Circles again like you would do with a hula hoop, clockwise and then counterclockwise.

Next, bend at the waist and stretch your legs, quad stretch, hams stretch. Then finally the spine, cobra stretch, cat stretch, and downward dog.

Within two minutes with this head-to-toe routine, you are able to get a full body stretch.

Recently, I added a cool-down to this routine as well. This really helps with muscle recovery. If I am working out at a place where a sauna is available I would use that to relax the muscles. If there's a pool that works great too. If neither of those or if I am in a rush for time then I would use a shower. Cooling down your muscles like this helps with recovery I feel. I do not know the science behind it. Perhaps it’s because these routines help ease out lactic acid.

Another thing I think is important at this point now is keeping your muscles warm. ACs in gyms here are quite often set at too cold a temperature. This means that as soon as you sweat, the body cools down rapidly. This has given me cramps and strains before. In fact I am suffering from a back spasm right now because of something like this. Maybe that’s why I am writing this piece. Keeping your body and muscles warm during your workout is helpful to prevent spasms. Double layering with thin layers helps.

Besides the precautions above. I think working out in your 30s is way more fun than in previous years. I think one has less ego than when you are younger so your form is better and you potentially can avoid injuries. I think mentally you are stronger too so you are able to be more consistent because you have multiple reasons to motivate yourself to go to the gym. I feel like I am more disciplined with my time spent than when I was younger because now my free time is much more limited with family work etc. Hence I get more out of my 30–40 minutes of weight training. You are able to have more control over your diet and afford better nutrition hence results can come quicker as well.

Working out in your 30s has way more benefits that go far beyond the gym. You have more energy to give all the priorities in your life. You hit work with much more clarity. You are able to bring good positive energy to your home life and work life. You can take much more pressure than most people at work. You tend to fall less sick. When you look good you feel good and life tends to be more good to you as well.

If you don’t work out yet and feel like you don’t have the time to devote to it. Believe me the time you invest into this you will get back many fold in all aspects of your life.



Mohsin Ali Mustafa
Mohsin Ali Mustafa

Written by Mohsin Ali Mustafa

A medical doctor from Pakistan creating systems change in healthcare through entrepreneurship

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